Gas Utility
Since 2006, Stormcon, LLC has been developing SWPPPs for franchise utility companies in the State of Texas. Over 90% of EPA permits for gas franchise utility projects have been managed by Stormcon.
In Texas and Oklahoma, Gas Franchise Utility falls under the regulatory eye of the Environmental Protection Agency, also known as EPA. Therefore, SWPPPs have to be developed under the requirements of the EPA. The NOIs must also be issued from EPA and there is a 14-day waiting period from the day the permit is issued until work can begin.
Gas Franchise Utility SWPPPs are different from a typical SWPPP that is done in the State of Texas because it does not follow the regulations and requirements of TCEQ’s General Construction Permit. They follow the EPA Permit. Requirements differ from those in the GCP and therefore the SWPPP is written and prepared differently.
Stormcon has worked with EPA to make sure our understanding of their permit is a correct interpretation and that our SWPPPs follow and meet the requirements set out in the EPA permit.
EPA also requires a NOI. However, this NOI has no permit fee, but does require a 14-day waiting period from the day it’s submitted to the day it becomes active and work can began.
Inspections are still a requirement under the EPA permit. Stormcon can perform these weekly inspections for our clients. Weekly inspections are delivered electronically through StromPro Max software that makes reviewing inspections and inputting corrective actions simple and quick.