Industrial compliance can seem like a moving target. Stormcon, LLC informs and assists our clients so they can get in compliance and stay in business. The TCEQ classifies Industrial Facilities under a variety of permit types and corresponding regulations. The TCEQ also delegates regulation efforts to individual local authorities which can make it difficult to achieve total compliance and fully meet expectations. Stormcon works to hold a standard of excellence in our service. We look forward to serving your industrial stormwater needs.
Stormwater pollution prevention plan
Stormcon develops SWPPPs based on the operator’s activities and erosion control plans. This approach helps minimize risk of exposing our clients to additional costs of BMPs they did not plan for and lowers risk of specifically defining our client’s role on site. Industrial SWPPPs follow the TPDES guide lines.
Our SWPPPs are turn-key. Once we conduct a site walkthrough and identify key business activities, Stormcon takes care of the rest. Our turn-key service helps you avoid any unnecessary application fees and includes:
- Completed SWPPP
- Creation of NOIs/NOCs/NOTs
- Submitting NOIs to TCEQ
- Notifications to MS4s
The TCEQ Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) has different requirements for inspections based on your business’ specific characteristic. Stormcon preforms monthly, quarterly, and annual inspections depending on your particular needs. Information and feedback on our inspections are shared in a timely manner and filed in a book stored on-site when we visit. Stormcon does work with clients who have different inspection methods and software, which our inspectors are then trained on and preform their inspections using whichever system the client prefers.
Complaints are seldom but an unfortunate reality in this business. Stormcon continues to build relationships with TCEQ and MS4s so we can keep up with changes in stormwater ordinances and make sure there is open and clear communication between our clients and the MS4. Our experienced staff is familiar with the regulatory process and has a successful track record of helping clients get back into compliance as quickly and cost-effective as possible.
Stormcon offers a variety of training programs to empower industrial operators and employees. We have found providing the right information can help avoid blind spots and create awareness across a client’s entire staff—both of which save you time and money.
Training courses include:
- On-site training to identify deficiencies in BMPs, knowledge of what is included in a SWPPP, how to make sure the SWPPP is being followed, and what to do if a regulator visits the site.
- Classes on a variety of stormwater compliance topics including your business-specific training required by the stormwater permit