Land Development

Stormcon, LLC is a storm water compliance consulting firm that delivers turn-key SWPPPs, 3rd party inspections, and training courses. Our experience and knowledge of the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System requirements have helped our clients navigate the waters of storm water compliance.

Land Development

Stormcon has worked with numerous land developers to create SWPPPs for their projects that meet all the requirements of the TCEQ GCP.  Our erosion control plans have been designed for each particular project. Along with development of the SWPPP, Stormcon makes sure all NOIs are created, signed, and submitted.  Not only the developer, but for all contractors that will be on site with control of day-to-day operations. Our SWPPPs are turn-key. Once we receive the civil engineering plans and required information about the project, Stormcon takes care of the rest.

Turn-key includes:

  • Completed SWPPP
  • Creation of NOIs/NOCs/NOTs
  • Submitting NOIs to TCEQ
  • Notifications to MS4s


Not only does Stormcon develop a plan, but also executes inspections.  Texas groundwater conservation plans allow for two types of routine inspections: bi-weekly and after a .5 in rain event or once every 7 days. Stormcon preforms weekly inspections once every 7 days. We use StromPro Max to manage the inspection report send it electronically to the client. If a client prefers their own software, we work with their software solutions after proper training.

Rain event inspections sometimes are required by city ordinances. Stormcon continues to build relationships with MS4s so we can keep up with changes in stormwater ordinances and make sure there is open communication between our clients and the MS4.
Upon the first inspection, a Stormcon inspector will deliver and post all necessary postings.


In addition to plans, Stormcon offers several types of training programs for our land developer.  Contact us to learn more about our training courses which include:

  • On-site training for project managers to identify deficiencies in BMPs, knowledge about the content of a SWPPP, enforcement of the SWPPP process, and procedures for a regulator visit.
  • Company classes on a variety of Stormwater compliance topics

Contact Us

Phone: 972-396-0751
Mailing Address: PO Box 860249, Plano, TX 75086
Office Locations:
Plano: 2201 Ave K. Suite A100, Plano, TX 75074
San Antonio: 12118 Valliant Suite 102A, San Antonio, TX 78216